Big stuff happened this week!
- 777 portal ( amazing)
- I had a tantrum (third one in like 20 years)
- I received the results on whether I got the job as a coach
Beautiful up and down, roller coaster of a week!
What was your week like?
Did you feel the solar flares?
Did you tune into the 777 portal on Friday?
In the video below, I share more about this.
May this support you.
Gain access to weekly Facebook lives to support you on your path to becoming a Spiritual Warrior.
Other articles that may interest you (click on the links below to access):
– Does your EGO influence your decisions?
– Have you heard of Coach Pain?
– True Generosity takes a sh#$ ton of courage
– What to do about feeling just “blah”
– The bounce back is even better!!
– Why?