Loneliness and Addiction
Loneliness noun \ˈlōn-lē-nəs\ From the outside, someone who is battling alcohol addiction does not seem lonely but rather the “life of the party” each night out, but that is simply a …
Loneliness noun \ˈlōn-lē-nəs\ From the outside, someone who is battling alcohol addiction does not seem lonely but rather the “life of the party” each night out, but that is simply a …
Self-Care noun \ˈself \ – \ˈker\ Celebrate your sobriety by taking time for yourself. It is critical to take some quiet time each day for relaxation and meditation. Be mindful of how you …
Binge noun \ˈbinj\ For some, the decision to quit drinking comes after hitting rock bottom. For others, the signs are not so obvious. But just because you haven’t reached the lowest point …
Alcohol noun \ al·co·hol \ˈal-kə-ˌhȯl\ Alcohol is everywhere in our society. It is in restaurants, commercials on television and in print, and billboard advertisements for sporting events. It is hard to avoid seeing it all around …
Drinking verb \ dri*nking\ take (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow Who knew that such a simple definition could hold such meaning, and potential a catastrophic outcome when overused. Parents …