Beth Osmer

Understanding of Depth Hypnosis

If you are a regular reader of mine, then you are familiar with my story. For those of you who are new, I have been able to use Depth Hypnosis to move past emotional triggers where addiction stems from. Depth Hypnosis has helped me become deeply at peace with myself. Heal from my alcohol addiction and for the first time in my life, I feel settled. At the core level, I know that I am okay and that I am being taken care of.

Depth Hypnosis can address the root of symptoms and potentially alleviate them by bringing issues to the surface. Depth Hypnosis is grounded in Eastern philosophy and differs on some levels from a typical Western therapeutic approach. This technique is designed to help people get to their true selves and offers a variety of other useful techniques. Isa Gucciardi, creator of Depth Hypnosis and founder of the Foundation of the Sacred Stream believes that “divorce, death, and abusive conditions in early childhood correlate with the roots of the addictive process.

Suggestion Hypnosis vs Depth Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy employs the use of hypnosis—an altered state of consciousness caused by little more than the power of suggestion—to help facilitate behavioral and emotional change.

Depth Hypnosis is a type of therapy that combines elements of shamanism, Buddhism, transpersonal psychology, and hypnotherapy.

It is important to know the difference between suggestion hypnosis and Depth Hypnosis. Suggestion Hypnosis uses the meditative state and while the client is in that state, the therapist makes suggestions around the issues they want to change, hoping the suggestions will plant themselves into their subconscious mind. Depth Hypnosis uses hypnosis to get to the root of an issue. It is a much deeper process and helps people heal on a very deep level. Suggestion hypnosis is limited. Often issues are a lot more complicated and will not go away by simply suggesting that they do.

Depth Hypnosis is a pioneering type of therapy that combines shamanism, hypnotherapy, transpersonal psychology, and Buddhism to effect change in a wide variety of imbalances. I believe that our own responses to emotional trauma and or stress are stored in our unconscious mind and utilizing Depth Hypnosis to reach the unconscious mind in a safe way to deal with and address the emotional baggage that is preventing you from your full potential.

To escape the suffering of addiction, one must let go of attachment to the addictive substance. Sometimes it is hard to fix a problem until you see it exists. Addiction is a craving and it is an escape from pain. For a path away from addiction, look to the Buddhism teachings. Mindfulness and meditation can be the key to an escape from the suffering that addiction causes.
Buddhism is based on the traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices from the teachings of the Buddha. The teachings can be followed as a philosophy or as a religion. The “Four Noble Truths” comprise the essence of Buddha’s teachings. They include the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.

My mission through ReFind Healing is to now help others experience the same powerful self-healing I have discovered through Depth Hypnosis. However, for this to be successful you must be an active participant.

ReFind is a great resource to engage with the teachings of Buddhism as part of your recovery from addiction. We offer programs with a variety of lengths and focuses tailored to help you where you need it. Contact us today for a free 30-minute consultation session. To book your appointment, click here.

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