Understanding of Depth Hypnosis
If you are a regular reader of mine, then you are familiar with my story. For those of you who are new, I have been able to use Depth Hypnosis …
If you are a regular reader of mine, then you are familiar with my story. For those of you who are new, I have been able to use Depth Hypnosis …
History noun his·to·ry \ˈhis-t(ə-)rē\ If you know my history with addiction, which I share on my website, you learned that after using “traditional” rehabilitation and then subsequently relapsing, I tried a different …
Connection noun con·nec·tion \kə-ˈnek-shən\ There has been an ongoing discussion that there is a connection between addiction and an individual’s relationship with the self. More importantly, there has been chatter about the …
Addiction noun ad·dic·tion \ə-ˈdik-shən, a-\ The question of what causes addiction is full of differing opinions and theories. Why is it that some people become addicted and fixated on a drug or …
Hypnotherapy noun hyp·no·ther·a·py ˌ/hipnōˈTHerəpē/ Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that gives individuals lasting healing and a permanent conquering of addictions. What hypnotherapy actually is, however, and how the average person …